Interactive Recycling Talks for Schools

Over the last couple of years contamination levels in recycling bins risen to nearly 30% and with ever so growing pressure from end of recycling facilities on quality of segregated waste streams, Mulleadys decided that the only way to improve the quality and reduce the contamination is through education.

Mulleadys have been providing Material Recovery Facility tours for local schools since 2005, but this time we decided to go to Schools and show them, through experience, how to properly segregate waste between Waste, Recycling and Food Waste Bin.

Through the Interactive Recycling Talk a Mulleadys representative will visit your school and host a fun and informative one-hour talk/workshop that teaches children all about waste and recycling. There is no cost for this talk.

During the visit, the representative gives a general overview on waste and recycling through an interactive presentation. Journey of the Plastic Bottle is explained. The kids then play a fun waste segregation game to put different kinds of rubbish into each bin. Waste Pyramid is also explained with focusing on minimisation and reuse.

At the end of the visit, the children are given a list of accepted items at Mulleadys Recycling Bin to bring home to ensure that the journey continues at home and they can continue to learn. Our final goal is to enable students to champion best practice when it comes to recycling so they can transfer this knowledge to home and also influence greater recycling within their schools and homes.

The talks have been very well received by the children and teachers. Drumlish N.S Principal after the workshop said: “Team from Mulleady's called to our school to help us manage our waste bills and recycling in our school. We were very impressed with the practical tips that Ludmila gave us. The staff were given information for additional classes on recycling and each class participated in a practical session where everyday items were sorted and placed in the appropriate bin. The information was clear, age appropriate and excellently delivered in a professional manner. I have no hesitation in encouraging other schools to invite the education team from Mulleadys to visit their school. Super initiative!” The workshop likewise fits in well with the Green Schools Ireland programme that is being run in many schools.

If you’re interested in a Mulleadys representative visiting your school and hosting a “Interactive Recycling Talk, please contact recycling specialist for further details.